By Names and/or Position

Query a specific polygon or set of polygons by their slugs or a user's position.

You can get a tighter query than a full GeoJSON, faster and more tuned to your needs.

All of these requests are GET requests.

You must always include a maps parameter in your request. You can send more than one at once to get results across multiple categories.

For example:,territories&position=42.553080,-86.473389&key=your_api_key

This request will get you all languages and territories that overlap with the <lat>, <lng> that you sent.

By Position

To get by position, send a latitude and longitude as follows:<category>&position=<lat>,<lng>&key=your_api_key

An example request might look like this:,-86.473389&key=your_api_key

Specific Territories / Languages / Treaties

To get a specific nation, you need to know the identifying slug we use for that nation.

Look up the slug on, in the API section of your account after you log in. Just do a search for the nation you are interested in, and you will see all the available slugs you can use.

You can get more than one result at once, across multiple categories. Mix and match how you like!

An example query might look like this:,lakota&key=your_api_key

You can also combine this with a position request, if you like.

Last updated